The 1st ISF-IS4ALL Meeting
The first meeting of the ISF-IS4ALL took place during the Seventh International
Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCI International '97) in San
Francisco, California, USA, on the 29th of August 1997. The aims of the
1st meeting were to: (a) assess the state of the art; (b) stimulate new
developments and c) advance the existing wisdom towards universal access
and high quality interaction in the emerging Information Society.
The specific objectives of the meeting were to:
- Identify, consolidate and characterise progress in the relevant fields
and develop a short, medium and long term research and practice agenda
towards an Information Society accessible and acceptable by all citizens.
- Stimulate support measures required at national, European and international
levels in order to raise awareness, achieve consensus, promote work
in the relevant fields and establish a favourable environment for the
creation of an Information Society for all citizens.
Following this meeting, the ISF-IS4ALL produced a white paper entitled
"Towards an Information Society
for All: An International R&D Agenda" which was published in the International
Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI, vol 10, no 2, 1998, pp.
107-134). This white paper introduced the visionary goal of an Information
Society for all citizens, and proposed a short-, medium-, and long-term
international R&D agenda, based on the principle of designing for all
users. The proposed agenda addressed technological and user-oriented issues,
application domains and support measures, which were deemed as necessary
for the establishment of a favourable environment for the creation of
an Information Society acceptable to all citizens.
Session Chairs
Constantine Stephanidis, FORTH - ICS, Greece
Gavriel Salvendy, Purdue University, USA
Demosthenes Akoumianakis, FORTH - ICS, Greece
- Nigel Bevan, NPL, UK
- Judy Brewer, W3C, WAI International Program Office, USA / EU
/ Japan
- Pier Luigi Emiliani, CNR-IROE, Italy
- Anthony Galetsas, European Commission, Belgium
- Seppo Haataja, Nokia Mobile Phones, Finland
- Ilias Iakovidis, European Commission, Belgium
- Julie Jacko, Florida International University, USA
- Phill Jenkins, IBM Special Needs, USA
- Arthur Karshmer, New Mexico State University, USA
- Peter Korn, Sun Microsystems, USA
- Aaron Marcus, Aaron Marcus and Associates Inc., USA
- Harry Murphy, California State University, Northridge, USA
- Michel Richonnier, European Commission, Belgium
- Chris Stary, University of Linz, Austria
- Gregg Vanderheiden, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- Gerhard Weber, Harz University, Germany
- Juergen Ziegler, IAO-FhG, Germany
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The 2nd ISF-IS4ALL Meeting and Workshop
The objective of the second meeting of the ISF-IS4ALL was to elaborate,
review and consolidate the outcome of the first ISF-IS4ALL meeting, as
reported in the White Paper,
focusing on four thematic topics:
- Accessibility and HCI design
- Accessibility and Usability
- Accessibility and User interface software technologies
- Accessibility and Standardisation
For each of these topics, this two-day meeting organised in the form
of a workshop, aimed to develop concrete recommendations which are hoped
to result in influential interventions, anticipated to expand the current
scope of R&D activities and support measures in the direction of universal
access and high quality of interaction for all citizens in the emerging
Information Society.
Session Chairs
Constantine Stephanidis, FORTH-ICS, Greece
Gavriel Salvendy, Purdue University, USA
Demosthenes Akoumianakis, FORTH-ICS, Greece
- Albert Arnold, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Nigel Bevan, National Physical Laboratory, UK
- Daniel Dardailler, W3C/WAI, France
- Pier Luigi Emiliani, IROE-CNR, Italy
- Ilias Iakovidis, Telematics Applications Programme, European
- Phill Jenkins, IBM Special Needs, USA
- Arthur Karshmer, Computer Science Department, New Mexico State
University, USA
- Peter Korn, Sun Microsystems Inc., USA
- Aaron Marcus, Aaron Marcus and Associates Inc., USA
- Harry Murphy, Centre on Disabilities, California State University,
- Charles Oppermann, Microsoft Corporation, USA
- Michel Richonnier, Director, Telematics Applications Programme,
European Commission
- Christian Stary, University of Linz, Austria
- Hiroshi Tamura, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
- Manfred Tscheligi, University of Vienna, Austria
- Hirotada Ueda, Hitachi Denshi Ltd., Japan
- Gerhard Weber, Harz University, Germany
- Juergen Ziegler, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany
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The 3rd ISF-IS4ALL Meeting and Workshop
The 3rd meeting and workshop of the International Scientific Forum "Towards
an Information Society for all" took place in Munich, Germany, on
22-23 August 1999. The meeting was sponsored by the European Commission,
and was organised in conjunction with the 7th International Conference
on Human-Computer Interaction. Following the success of its predecessors,
that year's event focused on the implications of universal access on a
critical application domain, namely Healthcare Telematics, and an important
technological field, namely Digital Libraries. Experts from both these
scientific sectors, together with experts in the areas of universal access,
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), the social sciences, user-centred design
and assistive technologies, made up a truly multidisciplinary group aiming
- share and exchange experiences;
- establish a common vocabulary; and
- identify areas of potential reciprocal interest for Research and
Technological Development (RTD).
Session Chairs
Constantine Stephanidis, FORTH-ICS, Greece
Gavriel Salvendy, Purdue University, USA
Demosthenes Akoumianakis, FORTH-ICS, Greece
Workshop Participants
- Nabil Adam, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, USA
- Elisabeth André, DFKI GmbH, Germany
- Albert Arnold, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Nigel Bevan, Serco Usability Services, UK
- Noëlle Carbonell, Université Henri Poincare, LORIA,
- Maria Francesca Costabile, Universitá di Bari, Italy
- Hervé Doare, EHTEL Consortium, France
- Pier Luigi Emiliani, IROE-CNR, Italy
- Volker Frank, Aaron Marcus & Associates, Inc., USA
- Seppo Haataja, Nokia Mobile Phones, Finland
- Ilias Iakovidis, Healthcare Telematics, DG XIII, European Commission
- Julie A. Jacko, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- Ing-Marie Jonsson, Stanford University, USA
- Alfred Kobsa, GMD, Germany
- Aarno Lehtola, VTT Information Technology, Finland
- Dennis Majoe, HyperVision, Ltd, UK
- Georges de Moor, Microsoft Healthcare User Group, Belgium
- Harry Murphy, Centre on Disabilities, California State University,
- Christos Nikolaou, University of Crete, Greece
- Michael Pieper, GMD, Germany
- Christian Stary, University of Linz, Austria
- Molly Follette Story, Center for Universal Design, North Carolina
State University, USA
- Hirotada Ueda, Hitachi Denshi Ltd., Japan
- Jean Vanderdonckt, Université Catholique de Louvain,
- Gerhard Weber, Harz University, Germany
- Jürgen Ziegler, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany
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