Interfaces for Geographic Applications on the World Wide Web:
an Adaptive Computational Hypermedia
P. Carrara, G. Fresta and A. Rampini
MAGUS: Modelling Access with GIS in Urban Systems: An Application
for Wheelchair Users in Northamptonshire
L. Beale, H. Matthews, P. Picton and D. Briggs
Aiding Designers to Design for All: The IRIS Approach
P. Koutsabasis, J. S. Darzentas, T. Spyrou, K. Lambrinoudakis
and J. Darzentas
User Interface for efficient querying in picture DBS
Z. Mikovec and P. Slavik
Adaptable speech-based interfaces
P. Zikovsky and P. Slavik
Fischlar on a PDA: A Handheld User Interface to a Video Indexing,
Browsing and
Playback System
H. Lee, A.F. Smeaton, P. McCann, N. Murphy, N. O'Connor and
S. Marlow
Adaptable User Interfaces in Groupware Systems: Experiences with
the BSCW System
W. Appelt and E. Hinrichs
VITIPI: A universal writing interface for all
P. Boissiere and D. Dours
Self organising map browser for database retrieval
A.Kerminen, A. Raike and M. Kaipainen
Designing and using efficient interfaces for switch accessibility
D. Colven and A. Lysley
FACT-V: Universal Access and Quality of Interaction for Automatic
Teller Machine (ATM)
I. Kobayashi, A. Iwazaki and K. Sasaki
Age-related differences in Driver-INFO2000 interaction
A. Toffetti, E. Nodari, C. Zoldan, A. De Angeli and W. Gerbino
The User Centered design approach to develop an adaptive Web-based
IR System
F. Rizzo
Consumeter - An Information Tool
A. Ellonen